Eduardo rushed back to his cubicle and was still in disbelief about what had happened in the kitchen. He was going to go to a brothel, and that had him extremely worried, so much so that he spent the whole afternoon looking for YouTube videos and tutorials on "How to behave in a brothel?", "How to order a drink in a cabaret?", "What is a brothel?", "How do prostitutes negotiate?". He spent the whole afternoon in the office watching and listening to videos, because the truth is that Eduardo had never set foot in a cabaret. At 22 years old, he was still a virgin and for shame he could not tell anyone.


The development and outcome of this and other stories can be found in the publication "30 Cuentos: técnicas para escribir un libro", a compilation of stories created by Hernán Porras Molina (@misterconsciencia, CEO of Web24 IT Services) during his participation in the Creative Writing course taught by writer José Manuel Peláez.

Hernán Porras Molina shows his intention to leave a positive mark with this varied compilation, stating that "it is important to recover the reading of books, we cannot continue to be people who only read movie subtitles, Internet news or tweets". In conclusion, Hernán seeks to do his bit to contribute to this purpose.

30 Cuentos: técnicas para escribir un libro” is available at or through Amazon in three formats: Kindle, soft cover and hard cover.

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